Jamie K. Gayer
Assistant VP, Capital Planning and Facilities
Indiana University
Jamie K. Gayer was appointed Assistant Vice President for Business Services, Indiana University Capital Planning and Facilities (CPF), effective December 2019.
Jamie had served as director of human resources since 2017 and in a variety of human resources roles with the university since 2008. She provides operational leadership and oversight of the CPF human resources portfolio to include initiatives to increase employee productivity, engagement and training, while also managing and overseeing all aspects of the business services division, including capital finance, operational finance, information technology, and procurement.
Jamie’s objectives include ensuring university compliance, mitigating institutional risk, improving internal controls, and developing policies and procedures to ensure accurate financial reporting and inclusive business practices.
Jamie is the executive sponsor for the CPF Diversity & Advocacy Team and has participated nationally with APPA on topics related to respectful and inclusive work practices. She also represents CPF on various internal and external matters involving capital projects and facilities, human resources and diversity and inclusion initiatives, working with other university units as well as state, regional, and national higher education associations.
Jamie holds professional credentialing in the area of human resources. She is a graduate of Southern Illinois University with a bachelors in business administration and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in public affairs at Indiana University.